People and even pictures are often hard to judge. Please travel with us today to an artist's exhibition where we will find that there is much to learn - we just need to look and feel more closely.

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An artist, after many months of work, finally finished his latest masterpiece. The picture depicted a man waiting outside a door late at night holding a lantern to show the way. The artist was very pleased with his painting and anxiously awaited the unveiling at a competition the next day. 

The competition was very strong during this particular exhibition. Artists and their most prized paintings came from throughout the world to display the beauty of their paintings and the skill of the artist. However, despite much attention and some very positive comments, our artist's painting received scorn, and even some laughter. Our artist was very disappointed, and demanded to understand why. 

"The painting overall is excellent. One of the best, if not the best, in the exhibition," said the head judge. "But in your haste, you did not finish it. Look here. There is no door knob on the door for the man with the lantern to enter." 

Shaking his head, our artist just pointed to the title of the picture to address the judge's comments. The picture was titled "The Human Heart." But still the head judge did not understand. 

Our artist went on to explain, "The human heart holds no knob for entering. The human heart must be opened from the inside to let one come in from the dark." 

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Our ability to build, market, sell and deliver the world's best "vacation experience" is largely determined by our relationship with our guests and customers. When our "hearts" are closed, we find failure and disappointment. When our hearts are open, we deliver our fundamental values of trust, honesty, integrity, respect, kindness and "spirit to serve" in all its glory. We find success. 

Our fundamental "experience" in customer service is one of the heart. Keep your "heart" open and let our guests and customers in. 

Until Next Friday,


Photo by Severin Höin on Unsplash
